Sunday, July 25, 2010

Youth Revisited

Yesterday (Saturday) was the MOF's Basketball tournament held in Luyang Multipurpose Hall. I was selected to play for my office with 5 other colleagues and also to support the ladies team as well. We only managed to win 2/4 games and didn't managed to qualify for the semifinals but the teams we played against we're seasoned and strong. Nevertheless we played well, not the best, but still acceptable given the time we spent on training. It was nice though, showing off in front of my bosses, colleagues and my girlfriend, given the limited ability I had.

Standing in that very hall, the same hall I once played at in a different tournament almost ten years ago taken by the ambiance the court, the players, the crowd and music projected, I could help myself being brought back to those years. Basketball is the first sport I ever played and I could still remember the first basketball my father bought for me when I was 7 years old and the times when my elder sister and I used to play ball at a court near our old house. I made a lot of friends as I grew up playing the game.

During my teenage years, I was the captain of my school basketball team, the backbone if I may say. I used to rule over other players with my, almost 100 percent, 3 pointer shots. I was THAT good. I was the one who could carry the team and I also used to play for open clubs, which was great given my height and inability to speak a certain language. After moving to a new house and finishing secondary school, the time spent for basketball slowly faded away all the time I had was either used for studying or training for rugby and other sports I had in passion.

Now, almost 10 years later, I could barely sink a free-throw, make jump shots, or tap the rim. Is it because of aging? or lack of practice? I hope it is the latter. Well I am almost 1/3 heavier that what I used to weigh. I'm not dissapointed with my current state because I know that former form can return and who knows, an even better form. I don't really care if not many people favor the sport. Well you guys can brag on about your football, futsal, badminton or whatever sport you want but from what I know, not many can handle this game. Haha!!

I love basketball, it has been influential for my experience and I hope to play more games in the future, if not soon.

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